Kevin loves hockey (and admittedly, so do I). So today we headed downtown to see the Blues training camp scrimmage at Fan Fest. We went last year when Madeline was only 4 1/2 months old. It was our first real "outing" with Madeline. (We were first time parents and worried about, well, everything.) It was so much easier last year!
I remember feeling really overwhelmed last year. It was the first time we had her in a major public place, and I didn't know what to expect. What if she spit up? What if she needed to eat? Would I be able to nurse her without all of STL seeing? What if she had an explosive poop? What if?!?!?!? It was stressful. I think I brought changes of clothes for all three of us.
This year I didn't have any of the anxiety. So why was last year easier? Because Madeline didn't move. We held Madeline on our laps. She looked around all bobble heady at the people in the stands. Then she slept. She cuddled in our arms and just slept.
This year Madeline was up and down and in and out and around and around... I am exhausted just thinking about it. She figured out how to get into and out of her stroller. So of course she had to practice. She must have gotten in and out at least 75 times. At Least. Having a toddler is wonderful. Even if I am exhausted.

Madeline watching the Zamboni make the rounds before the scrimmage begins. We had just arrived and she was still happily buckled into the stroller. That didn't last long.

My family. You can really see Madeline's blues outfit in this photo. Yes, it is a "cheerleader" style dress. No, it was not our first choice. But do you know how hard it is to find Blues gear for toddlers?!? It is downright impossible. (We went to four different stores.) The stuff we did find was almost as much as a weeks worth of groceries! So I found this dress at a children's resale shop for $7.50. You can't complain about that now can you?!?

The Blues unveiled their 3rd jersey at fan fest today. Within minutes of the jersey being revealed, they had this one in the Blue Note Shop. (They are not officially released until early November, but you can pre-order them now.)

The logo up close. It is pretty slick lookin'. We approve.
just wait til next year when the stroller is a thing of the past and you have to run after her constantly...that or put her on one of those leashes, which i find particularly scary!
We saw many leashes on Sunday. Very scary.
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