I've been pretty busy in the last three days. I've wanted to post, but keep running out of time. Until I get my act together here is a straight out of the camera shot of Madeline and Madeline from last Wednesday. They were grabbing some girl time on Maddy's sofa. (Please, ignore how pink it is.)

August 10- Click on the photo to see the girls larger. They are so cute together!
I just got home from my other part time job, so I didn't get to put Madeline to sleep tonight. She was fussing a little so I crept into her room and got a few moments of sleepy cuddle time with her. It was wonderful. I love her sweet baby breath on my neck as I rub her back and she melts into my chest. I am truly taking in the moments more in the last few days.
Awwww! They look like two old friends, even though they aren't old in any way! I love how they have the same name.
All that's missing is the coffee cups...
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