What have I found out? A ton.
I have had visitors from 20 of the fifty states as well as some from Canada and New Zealand.
Since July 3rd I have had 473 visits to the blog and 44 comments. I would say that 50% of those comments are from my mom or my aunt so what does this mean?
There are blog lurkers around! If you have been reading my blog, and enjoying it please let me know! I would love to get to know you and if you have a blog I would love to read it as well.
I love Google Analytics but not as much as I would love to get to know you.
Ok, I'll admit it. I'm probably the Canadian Blogger lurker!! I found your blog from another blog. I enjoy reading your blog.
See, Tara commented... how about the rest of you?!?
I comment! (Sometimes...) I am addicted to blog reading but I am selfish and choose to read more rather than responding to a few. I am working on it.
ok, ok, I have signed up and am no longer lurking, but I don't have a blog for you to read, sorry...
But you already know us (Jeff & Emily). ;)
Ah well. You know we're around!! Hope things are well :-)
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