We always forget to take a before photo and the only photos I have of our bathroom before this project also include our darling daughters bare bottom. Not something I am going to post on the web for the world to see... I do have boundaries and limits when it comes to this blogging thing.
So this is the during:
The mirror is off the wall exposing where the old medicine cabinet used to be (before our time). We have a small mirror in the hole for now. Kevin has skim-coated the plaster walls with drywall compound and sanded, twice.
Kevin, after sanding the walls for the second time. He cleaned up the bathroom and we primed the walls so that we can paint tomorrow.
The worst part about this project is that although we still have a functioning bathroom, everything in the bathroom is displaced. I have drawers and products all over my dining room table.
We put this up for Madeline's first birthday party. It finally had to come down, but I couldn't remove it without first getting a photo. It made me smile each and every time I saw it. I will have to make another one for after the bathroom is finished.
Another draw back to having all of our bathroom stuff in the dining room is that Madeline is in love with my hair brush and when it is out on the table she has to have it. If it is in the drawer it is out of site, out of mind!
As the project progresses I will post again. The plan is to paint the walls tomorrow or Friday. Then the mirror will go back up on the wall. Then we are going to take a week or so off and then tackle the floor/toilet. Once the new floor is down we will tackle the repainting of the vanity cabinet. I think we have weeks ahead of us, but I hope the worst of the mess is behind us.
Glad to hear you'll be replacing the wall art. Please tell me you got a photo of the duck butt before you took it down!
looks great so far!!! I'm very impressed that you are mudding and sanding... I just didn't have the patience for that! :) can't wait to see the afters. (And, for what it's worth, I think it took a month to get ours done, and we just did the walls... :))
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the little sign about the toilet seat! I think I'm going to have to do something similar here.
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