My to do list is a long one today. So long in fact I don't even know where to start. I think I might forget the laundry and to to the park. That is much more fun.
To top off a wonderful morning, We were awoken by the sound of chain saws and a wood chipper at about 7:15am. Don't they have ordinances about that sort of thing? (I guess when the city is taking down a tree they can start when ever they want. They make the rules.)
Off to start my day!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Rachel Ray, Terrorists and Donuts
Did you hear that Rachel Ray is being accused of sympathizing with the terrorists b/c of her wardrobe choices? Well her and Dunkin Donuts.
I think my brother says it all here on his blog. My brother is a writer and he is funny. That is a good combination. Smarts and humor... and did I mention he got the high metabolism gene too? Yeah, life is so not fair.
Kev read that the store that sold the offending scarf removed it from their inventory. Sorry trendy New Yorkers, your necks will just have to go cold. You don't want the terrorist to win do you?
I think my brother says it all here on his blog. My brother is a writer and he is funny. That is a good combination. Smarts and humor... and did I mention he got the high metabolism gene too? Yeah, life is so not fair.
Kev read that the store that sold the offending scarf removed it from their inventory. Sorry trendy New Yorkers, your necks will just have to go cold. You don't want the terrorist to win do you?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Bubble Mower
Last year (2007) for Kevin's birthday I got him a lawn mower. But because I didn't know what kind of mower he wanted or even what features he needed (bag/bagless?, hi torque/low torque?, flashy wut-cha-ma-call-its/ no flashy wut-cha-ma-call-its?) I decided to let him pick one out himself.
But what fun is a birthday without anything to open? Enter: the bubble mower.
I searched high and low for one of these plastic play things. I had no idea how hard they were to find. None at Wal-mart. None at Target. None at the Toys R Us in North county (close to work at the time). So I made one last stop, in the rain, at a Toys R Us closer to home. And BINGO! It was a mecca, a veritable wonderland of bubble mowers! Not only did they have "the classic" as I will call it, they also had a "deluxe" which included realistic electronic mowing sounds and flashy wut-cha-ma-call-its! (You know, flashing lights.)
So I settled for the classic, spent my $14.99 and headed home.
Over a year later, our daughter, who was still just a Pumelo when the gift was given, bubble mowed our lawn tonight. I have to say that she did an excellent job.
She was so happy when Kevin was showing her how it works. She was giggling and dancing all over the side walk. She has this new "shuffle" dance she's been doing the past few days and I hope I can get it on film soon. When I do I will post of course!
But what fun is a birthday without anything to open? Enter: the bubble mower.
I searched high and low for one of these plastic play things. I had no idea how hard they were to find. None at Wal-mart. None at Target. None at the Toys R Us in North county (close to work at the time). So I made one last stop, in the rain, at a Toys R Us closer to home. And BINGO! It was a mecca, a veritable wonderland of bubble mowers! Not only did they have "the classic" as I will call it, they also had a "deluxe" which included realistic electronic mowing sounds and flashy wut-cha-ma-call-its! (You know, flashing lights.)
So I settled for the classic, spent my $14.99 and headed home.
Over a year later, our daughter, who was still just a Pumelo when the gift was given, bubble mowed our lawn tonight. I have to say that she did an excellent job.

1 yr photos
Because I am not working outside of the house right now, we have had to tighten our belts a little. Having special "professional" photos of Madeline at a year old isn't in the budget. So we decided to put our fancy digital SLR to work for us and try to get some photos ourselves.
I have been trying to get photos that I like for weeks now, but it has been hard with the weather and Kevin's schedule. Taking photos by myself is difficult. If it is just me, all Madeline wants to do is grab the camera out of my hand and cuddle up in my lap. I have found though that she hates the way grass feels so if I put her down in grass she won't (yet) put her hands down on it to get herself up and walking! (I am so tricky!)
So today we headed to Francis Park in good old South City to try to get some photos. We went a little too late in the day, the sun was awful high, and it was hard trying to get her to smile all by myself while composing the photo and checking/adjusting the camera settings... but I think I got a couple of good shots.
I love this one because she makes this face 50 times a day! It's like she is saying, "what you takin' 'bout, Momma?"

The lighting in the background is all wrong, but I love this face. She is so proud of herself for walking!
They have two really cool mosaic benches at the park. I was so nervous she was going to try to get down I only got one good shot.
I hope that someday I will have the time and the $$ so that I can take a photography class and maybe a Photoshop workshop or two. I have altered these images a little, but I know that there is so much more Photoshop can do that I just don't even know about. I try!
I have been trying to get photos that I like for weeks now, but it has been hard with the weather and Kevin's schedule. Taking photos by myself is difficult. If it is just me, all Madeline wants to do is grab the camera out of my hand and cuddle up in my lap. I have found though that she hates the way grass feels so if I put her down in grass she won't (yet) put her hands down on it to get herself up and walking! (I am so tricky!)
So today we headed to Francis Park in good old South City to try to get some photos. We went a little too late in the day, the sun was awful high, and it was hard trying to get her to smile all by myself while composing the photo and checking/adjusting the camera settings... but I think I got a couple of good shots.

The lighting in the background is all wrong, but I love this face. She is so proud of herself for walking!

I hope that someday I will have the time and the $$ so that I can take a photography class and maybe a Photoshop workshop or two. I have altered these images a little, but I know that there is so much more Photoshop can do that I just don't even know about. I try!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
12 month check up!
I was going to post a long list of all the wonderful things the Ped told us last week about Madeline's growth and development. But alas, she is waking from her nap so a quick stats list will have to suffice!
20#2oz (40th percentile)
30 1/4" (80th percentile)
cute as a button (100th percentile)
walking like a champion
threw a tongue depressor at Dr. Schmidt (don't think he noticed)
30 1/4" (80th percentile)
cute as a button (100th percentile)
walking like a champion
threw a tongue depressor at Dr. Schmidt (don't think he noticed)
In case there was any question
Monday, May 26, 2008
My First...
Play *Doh*!!!
In an attempt to become a super mommy, I made my own play dough this week. Yes, I started from scratch and made my own. As you can see in the photo below, the purple looks more like slate grey... but it was pretty good for a first attempt.
May 24
Play Dough
4c flour
2c salt
4T veg oil
1 1/2c water
Mix wet into dry ingredients. If you want to color the dough add food coloring to the water/oil before mixing it with flour. Keep in ziplock bags in the fridge. This makes a ton of dough so I halved it and still had twice as much as you see in the photo above.
Thank you to my mother in law who gave me this recipe. I am sure we will get a lot of use out of it. Madeline enjoyed playing with it... although she tried to eat it a couple of times. Let's just say that all that salt doesn't make it a very tasty treat. None was ingested.
I have Madeline in one of my old GS T-shirts. I had to tie it behind her back b/c she kept tripping on it. She looks so cute in such an over sized shirt! But when doesn't she look cute? I'm telling you most days it takes all my power to stop my self from eating her up!
In an attempt to become a super mommy, I made my own play dough this week. Yes, I started from scratch and made my own. As you can see in the photo below, the purple looks more like slate grey... but it was pretty good for a first attempt.

Play Dough
4c flour
2c salt
4T veg oil
1 1/2c water
Mix wet into dry ingredients. If you want to color the dough add food coloring to the water/oil before mixing it with flour. Keep in ziplock bags in the fridge. This makes a ton of dough so I halved it and still had twice as much as you see in the photo above.
Thank you to my mother in law who gave me this recipe. I am sure we will get a lot of use out of it. Madeline enjoyed playing with it... although she tried to eat it a couple of times. Let's just say that all that salt doesn't make it a very tasty treat. None was ingested.
I have Madeline in one of my old GS T-shirts. I had to tie it behind her back b/c she kept tripping on it. She looks so cute in such an over sized shirt! But when doesn't she look cute? I'm telling you most days it takes all my power to stop my self from eating her up!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Not that I am complaining
So I simply wonder if anyone else has this "problem." When Madeline wakes up from her nap she will make a couple of 'peeps' and then just lie in bed until I come get her. Sometimes I wonder if I missed her noises how long had she been laying in bed without making any noise.
She literally will cough, or say "momma" under her breath and then just lay there. When I do finally go get her up, she looks at me like, "Where have you been? I've been up for at least 15 minutes!"
I am used to babies crying when they want to get up. Sophia (the youngest of the girls I nannied) would at least call my name (Minnie) until I came and got her out of her crib.
I guess that if she isn't crying then I shouldn't worry. I just don't want her to be bored. Only a first time mother would worry about this kind of stuff, I know. But she gives me so little to worry about I have to find something to pick apart!
She literally will cough, or say "momma" under her breath and then just lay there. When I do finally go get her up, she looks at me like, "Where have you been? I've been up for at least 15 minutes!"
I am used to babies crying when they want to get up. Sophia (the youngest of the girls I nannied) would at least call my name (Minnie) until I came and got her out of her crib.
I guess that if she isn't crying then I shouldn't worry. I just don't want her to be bored. Only a first time mother would worry about this kind of stuff, I know. But she gives me so little to worry about I have to find something to pick apart!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I have a problem... I know. I am obsessed with my daughter's hair. And no, not like those super mothers who love to brush and comb and braid and decorate their daughter's locks. Not me. I like to take photos of the weird shapes it works itself into when I haven't paid a lick of attention to it in what I think has been days.
Now, I don't want people to think that I neglect my daughter. I don't. I pay as much attention to her as any loving stay at home mom. I don't neglect HER. Just her hair.
Now, I don't want people to think that I neglect my daughter. I don't. I pay as much attention to her as any loving stay at home mom. I don't neglect HER. Just her hair.
Today's hair is quite a doozy. But how can I not love a girl who's bed head rivals mine?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Miserable ickyness
I feel like we have been sick for weeks. We had the flu in mid-April if you will recall. Then we all got sick with a cold shortly after Madeline's first birthday. Now, we have had the flu again this week. (At this point it has just been Kevin and I and I hope to keep it that way.)
Anyone out there in the blogosphere have any suggestions on how to get us, and keep us, well? Short of spraying every inch of our home in Lysol I am not sure what to do. I hate Lysol.
It simply doesn't seem fair that once the weather gets nicer and all I want is to be outside playing in the sunshine, I am holed up in my house afraid of venturing too far from my comfort zone.
Oh miserable ickyness, be gone!
Anyone out there in the blogosphere have any suggestions on how to get us, and keep us, well? Short of spraying every inch of our home in Lysol I am not sure what to do. I hate Lysol.
It simply doesn't seem fair that once the weather gets nicer and all I want is to be outside playing in the sunshine, I am holed up in my house afraid of venturing too far from my comfort zone.
Oh miserable ickyness, be gone!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Like Mother, Like Daughter
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Steven!
Today is our friends Amy and Jeff's son's first birthday! We hope it was a very very happy one!
My First...
So although this would normally be a very fun exciting event this time it had a purpose. Today when I was just walking around my bedroom I tripped and busted my lip pretty badly. (Mommy wasn't so happy with all the blood, but she took good care of me!) So Daddy brought home some Popsicles so that I could ice my lip a little bit. Mommy decided that it would be cleaner to cut it up and feed it to me with a fork.
So although this would normally be a very fun exciting event this time it had a purpose. Today when I was just walking around my bedroom I tripped and busted my lip pretty badly. (Mommy wasn't so happy with all the blood, but she took good care of me!) So Daddy brought home some Popsicles so that I could ice my lip a little bit. Mommy decided that it would be cleaner to cut it up and feed it to me with a fork.
Happy Graduation Alan!
My cousin Alan graduated from Lutheran South High School last night. My second graduation in two days! Congrats Alan!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Light reading for a Monday Morning
Accident, or my dream come true?
Oh, why don't I live in Morris, IL?
And to think I am raising a daughter in this world...?!?!
I think I am going to have to buy that book...and lay off the Happy Meals.
Oh, why don't I live in Morris, IL?
And to think I am raising a daughter in this world...?!?!
I think I am going to have to buy that book...and lay off the Happy Meals.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Dr. Acula, I mean Olivia.
We are home again after our very first family road trip. If you remember Madeline and I made one previous adventure into Central Missouri. This time Kevin went with us and we went with a very serious purpose. To see Auntie Olivia graduate with her MD!!!! Yes, you heard me right, Olivia is now a Doctor. I have photographic proof. (That and she has the diploma and the $200K in debt to prove it!)
So, we have taken over 7,000 photos of our daugther this year.... so what?!?
So congratulations Dr. Olivia*. We love you more than we can say and I for one couldn't be any prouder of your accomplishment. Your hard work, sweat, tears, anger, joy, happiness, thousands of yoga classes, bike rides just to get out of the house, miles run, bottles of wine consumed, trips to Main Squeeze, bubble tea runs, and bags of Newman-Os have paid off. You are now a MD! (Now, can you take a look at this rash on my back?)
A huge thanks goes out to Shannon and Chris too for letting us crash at your place Saturday night. You rock out in so many different ways! We love you!
*I know that is not what your patients will call you but I try to refrain from using last names on this blog.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Do you think...
that maybe that this outfit goes a little overboard with the pink?
To channel my brother:
The music to this blog post:
Pink ~ Aerosmith
"Pink is my favorite crayon..."
To channel my brother:
The music to this blog post:
Pink ~ Aerosmith
"Pink is my favorite crayon..."
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Get out the safety gates
I got an e-mail from a very dear friend who's son is beginning to be mobile. She wanted to know if I had any quick baby proofing ideas, or tips on what to look out for when your babies start exploring their world.
As you can see, I don't know that I am going to be much help to her. I let my darling daughter wander after the cat, towards the un-gated stairs. If it makes anyone feel better, it looks a lot worse on film. She was still about a foot and a half from the top stair.
And isn't it cute how she whispers a question after the cat has disappeared into the basement. Like, "where did you go and why did you go without me?"
Yet another example of how utterly adorable our little girl is.
As you can see, I don't know that I am going to be much help to her. I let my darling daughter wander after the cat, towards the un-gated stairs. If it makes anyone feel better, it looks a lot worse on film. She was still about a foot and a half from the top stair.
And isn't it cute how she whispers a question after the cat has disappeared into the basement. Like, "where did you go and why did you go without me?"
Yet another example of how utterly adorable our little girl is.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
An appology to my mother on mother's day
I am a grown woman. But this mother's day I would like to apologize to my mother for things I did as a child/teenager/young woman/grown woman.
As long as I can remember my mother was on my case about my shoes. Not how many I had, or my need to have more, but where I left them.
As I walked through my house this evening I finally know her frustration. And now I have no one to yell at but myself.
So I am sorry for leaving my shoes all over your house when I lived there.
Just know that I didn't really learn my lesson and I am dealing with those consequences every time I try to find my sneakers.

I love you.
I love you.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
While one of Kevin's co-workers is in Florida this week he let Kev borrow his Wii. Even Madeline has gotten in on the action.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Are you listening America?
Don't let Jason Castro stay on American Idol another week. Please. I don't think I can handle it.
Thank you. I knew America would listen to me.(updated 5.7.08- 9pm)
Thank you. I knew America would listen to me.(updated 5.7.08- 9pm)
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
May 4th, 2008
So you may be asking yourself how Madeline's actual birthday was spent. Here are the highlights.
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