Monday, May 05, 2008

My First...


Man babies are moving fast these days! So this is the post I promised a few posts ago. These photos were taken at Madeline's first birthday party, but I couldn't just lump them in with the party photos! They needed to have their own post to do them justice.

Technically they had their first kiss two weeks ago at Leo's first birthday celebration. But I didn't have my camera. So this time I made sure we got the photographic proof. (That way we can remind them of this day for years to come ensuring that our parental duty of chronic embarrassment is fulfilled.)

Leo, moving in for the kiss!

They are so cute!

"Opps! We've been spoted!"
Leo catches me with the camera.

"You are going to delete these photos? Right?"



Molly said...

I love the look of shock on Leo's Grandma's face in the background. Or, maybe that's not shock... maybe it's shock and awe!

Beautiful babies, both. :)

RPS said...

wow, they do start young these days ;-)