I am a grown woman. But this mother's day I would like to apologize to my mother for things I did as a child/teenager/young woman/grown woman.

As long as I can remember my mother was on my case about my shoes. Not how many I had, or my need to have more, but where I left them.

As I walked through my house this evening I finally know her frustration. And now I have no one to yell at but myself.

So I am sorry for leaving my shoes all over your house when I lived there.

Just know that I didn't really learn my lesson and I am dealing with those consequences every time I try to find my sneakers.

I love you.
1 comment:
Apology accepted!
I swear, about 35% of my time as a mother of young children included shoe hunts. "Where are your shoes?" "Where did you take them off?" When did you last have them on your feet?" The answers to all of these questions were always "I don't know". This led to "Did you look in (your room)(the bathroom)(under the couch)(the sunporch)(under the table)(the refrigerator)?" followed by frantic ransacking of the house trying to find anything that could pass as a shoe.
Ahhh.... memories...
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