Friday, May 02, 2008


It is crazy to think about life one year ago. I spent most of this day last year cleaning, doing laundry, making list after list after list*, watching Dr. Phil and of course I was waiting. Today was my due date.

Although I already had a scheduled induction for the 3rd, I was still anxious about the whole spontaneously going into labor thing. I remember sneezing on the Sunday before my due date last year and panicking.** But our darling Pumello, as we called the yet unknown to us baby, did not arrive with a violent sneeze and a gush of water. Thank God.

So one year later I am spending this day cleaning, doing laundry, making list after list, watching Dr. Phil and of course, waiting.

This time I am waiting for...
-toys to be thrown on the floor for the 10th time today
-food to be dropped, just to see what happens
-the sippy cup to be emptied onto the dining room floor because I forgot to put it far enough back on the table to keep it out of reach
-the bathroom to clean itself because I hate cleaning the bathroom (thank you, Elliot)
- and Kevin to get home so that I can have a 5 minute break to brush my teeth and maybe, just maybe, go to the bathroom.

Who knew my days could be the same, yet so very different at the same time.

*Yes, I am neurotic about list making. When I have a ton of stuff to get done nothing makes me feel better about it than making a list, even if the act of making said list delays actually getting any of those things that desperately need to be done, done.

**I had read a story about a woman who sneezed and her water broke. Let's just say that being 40 weeks pregnant and dealing with spring allergies made me a nervous wreck.



Molly said...

I love this blog entry. You should wax philosophic and write more! (in your spare time)

Perhaps I should come over and clean your bathroom. Maybe I'll just call Elliot and tell him to do it. Yep, that's what I'm gonna do. :)

Jenny and Aaron's Baby Blog said...

What a great memory. And yes you are lucky Maddy didn't arrive with your water breaking spontanously. Mine broke about 11:30 pm as I was trying to get to sleep (although contractions didn't actually start until about midnight) - starting off one of my longest nights ever.

bridget said...

i know a list-maker who writes things on a list that could have been done in the time it takes to write them that's dedicated listing!!!!! b.

RPS said...

And you wouldn't have it any other way I'm sure...its hard to believe that a year has passed. Maddy's present is on the way -- I've been late in getting to the post office, but this will keep the celebration going maybe? Best wishes for a happy happy birthday maddy!