But what fun is a birthday without anything to open? Enter: the bubble mower.
I searched high and low for one of these plastic play things. I had no idea how hard they were to find. None at Wal-mart. None at Target. None at the Toys R Us in North county (close to work at the time). So I made one last stop, in the rain, at a Toys R Us closer to home. And BINGO! It was a mecca, a veritable wonderland of bubble mowers! Not only did they have "the classic" as I will call it, they also had a "deluxe" which included realistic electronic mowing sounds and flashy wut-cha-ma-call-its! (You know, flashing lights.)
So I settled for the classic, spent my $14.99 and headed home.
Over a year later, our daughter, who was still just a Pumelo when the gift was given, bubble mowed our lawn tonight. I have to say that she did an excellent job.

and let's not forget the most important safety instruction of all: sensible, sturdy shoes!!!! b.
Do cute little soft leather shoes with flowers on them count? She needs to come bubble mow our lawn! What's the going rate for a good bubble mow?
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