In an attempt to become a super mommy, I made my own play dough this week. Yes, I started from scratch and made my own. As you can see in the photo below, the purple looks more like slate grey... but it was pretty good for a first attempt.

Play Dough
4c flour
2c salt
4T veg oil
1 1/2c water
Mix wet into dry ingredients. If you want to color the dough add food coloring to the water/oil before mixing it with flour. Keep in ziplock bags in the fridge. This makes a ton of dough so I halved it and still had twice as much as you see in the photo above.
Thank you to my mother in law who gave me this recipe. I am sure we will get a lot of use out of it. Madeline enjoyed playing with it... although she tried to eat it a couple of times. Let's just say that all that salt doesn't make it a very tasty treat. None was ingested.
I have Madeline in one of my old GS T-shirts. I had to tie it behind her back b/c she kept tripping on it. She looks so cute in such an over sized shirt! But when doesn't she look cute? I'm telling you most days it takes all my power to stop my self from eating her up!
looks like fun! I do have a recipe for edible peanut butter play doh somewhere if you'd want it...
I would love that recipe... anything that gets me one step closer to super mommy status!
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