Friday, May 23, 2008

Miserable ickyness

I feel like we have been sick for weeks. We had the flu in mid-April if you will recall. Then we all got sick with a cold shortly after Madeline's first birthday. Now, we have had the flu again this week. (At this point it has just been Kevin and I and I hope to keep it that way.)

Anyone out there in the blogosphere have any suggestions on how to get us, and keep us, well? Short of spraying every inch of our home in Lysol I am not sure what to do. I hate Lysol.

It simply doesn't seem fair that once the weather gets nicer and all I want is to be outside playing in the sunshine, I am holed up in my house afraid of venturing too far from my comfort zone.

Oh miserable ickyness, be gone!



Molly said...

Here's an idea... pawn off the kiddo to Granny for a day and sleep it off. :)

mGk said...

If you didn't have to work today I totally would have!

Unknown said...

Airborn is a great way to stay healthy.