Swimming lesson!

I have been dying to get Madeline into a swim class for the last year! (The APA says babies can swim as early as 4 months but my ped said it was ok at 6 weeks...) But all of the classes I found were too far away from home and way to expensive. (groceries or swimming lessons? Guess which one wins.) So when our local pool offered lessons this summer at like 75% less than I have seen them at any of the indoor pools I was all over it like brown on rice! (it is better for you by the way)
The weather held off and we headed to the pool. Madeline loved it!

I took my old kodak point and shoot digital b/c I didn't want to risk taking my fancy pants DSLR. I wasn't going to be able to watch it b/c I had a baby in the water!!! But Kevin is off on Wednesday, and he can come to class too. Then one of us can take photos of Maddy in all her swimmy glory.
For a funny and much more realistic post about children's swimming lessons
click here. Then
go here and read the two posts that come before that one. Classic.
That first picture is so cute... she's looking waaay up. Think of that... the person in the whole world she's closest to, her mama, towers so high over her. Makes you want to get down on the floor, doesn't it?
So cute! Thanks for the links, and for a glimpse of how fun my life would be if I only had Helena. Oh crap, did I just type that out loud??
Mom- I am used towering over people.... that's what you get when you work in child care and you are *almost* 6 feet tall! But as you can see I got down on her level for photo two... makes for a much better photo.
Not really... I like the perspective of her looking up. It's a reality check... she's a really little person! (and soooo cute!)
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