Thursday, June 05, 2008


Pictures this afternoon. Promise. Until then...

I have been thinking about my Grandma Opal a lot lately. I don't know why really. Thoughts of her just creep into my head at the weirdest times. I used to spend a lot of time at her house in the summer, swimming and eating strawberries and tomatoes fresh out of her garden. I guess this time of year has been missing that since she passed away 11 years ago. (I can't believe it has been THAT LONG!)

When I miss her, I listen to this song by Tanya Stephens.

While living in Norway I heard this song on MTVeuro a lot. I love this song. It is times like these that I really wish she would come back to haunt me.



Molly said...

Watch out what you wish for! Nah... if she coulda, she already woulda... she loved you that much. She lives on in your heart. I know she does. :)

Unknown said...

She is always with you and she is very proud of you :)

notawritersfather said...

Maybe there is a Grannygarden in Maddy's future... Who knows?