I am beyond ready for spring.

Santa brought Madeline wings for Christmas and they have lasted 31 more days then I expected them to. They've been bent, sat on, smashed, pushed and pulled almost in two. Today they were closed in the bathroom door. There is barely a scratch on them. Although they appear to be nylons and wire hangers I think they must really be made of titanium and
I slipped on a patch of ice this morning before taking Madeline to school. I am sure my knee will be a beautiful technicolor mess by tomorrow. See #1.
I made turkey stock over the weekend and although I got a lot of comments on
Facebook about how I was crazy and why wouldn't I just buy it I felt super proud of myself and was totally excited about it. That was until this morning when I measured it and realized I cooked it for E-V-E-R and I only got 96 oz of stock, or the equivalent of three pots of potato soup out of it. It's a good thing it was a low maintenance project. I'm gonna be extra peeved if it tastes like shoes.

We are in so much trouble.
Yesterday Lydia had her first (and hopefully only) case of nursemaids elbow. We are unsure of how it happened because she was just getting up from a nap when she started crying (so we didn't see anything). I am pretty sure after all of Madeline's trips to the Dr. for this condition we are on some sort of watch list, moments away from being hot lined by a mandated reporter. You can read about Madeline's forays into the world of
NME here and

Madeline let me do her hair today. It may have been the highlight of my day. Just maybe.
Please tell me I'm not the only person who saves bananas for banana bread but never gets around to making it. If not, please lie.
Negative: Kevin's schedule today kinda sucked.
Positive: We had dinner alone when he got home from work.
Last, but in no way least: One of my oldest friends (who I've known since kindergarten) lost her grandmother today. Although I am supremely sad for the family I know that Grandma Joan's love will continue to bless them as they move through their grief and begin to heal. The love she gave will be carried on by not just her family but by all who knew her, including me.