Madeline is totally our daughter. Kevin and I both love the water. I swam competitively most of my life. Kevin just loves playing around although he did surprise me a few years ago in a freestyle race. He gave me a serious run for my money.

Scott and Becky were in town for the last two weeks and we spent a lot of time in Scott's mom's pool. Madeline shows no fear around the water. That is both a good thing and a bad thing.

She loves the water and I never want her to fear being in the pool. Last year we took some mommy and me swim classes and there was one little girl in particular who clung to her mother for dear life and cried and screamed and was bribed with food to simply put her toes in the water on her own. I NEVER want that to be Madeline.

However, Madeline jumps from the side of the pool with such ease that it makes me worry. She can't swim. Although she tries, oh how she tries. At one point last night she wanted out of my arms and just launched herself out towards Kevin. Although I would never let her go, with her arms paddling and her legs kicking she is just moments from being a fish.
With the summer not even half over I know there is plenty of time to build her skills. If only I could grow two or three more arms to help wrangle her!
Just wait till you have two to wrangle in the water. It becomes very nerve wracking. :) This is why next summer granny & poppy need to get a pool pass.
Logan is the EXACT same way. He started out terrified this summer and now will jump in whether you are ready or not!
Oh awesome! I was always wishing I had gone to swimming lessons sooner. I still can't swim well. She will love you for getting her in the water so soon and she'll be a natural. Yay!
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