I am not generally a very organized person. That is why these four labeled bins are so exciting to me.
I hope to get the rest of the toys on the shelves into bins at some point. They aren't as easily contained as blocks and little people. Any ideas out there? These are just bins from Walmart and I like them because you can see into them, so the toys are not hidden AND because Madeline can get them open herself. The latches are tight enough to hold them shut but not tight enough to stop her from opening them.
Good job! I am so disorganized but I love to try to GET organized. I feel like I don't have enough room to even start in this house so I am just putting it off for the next home! :)
I'm impressed. Now if you could get Maddy to learn to put the toys back in the right bin I can imagine a very happy mom over there in the big yellow house.
Not sure if any of these are tremendous ideas as my parent's house was a mess, but I remember some organization stuff that worked. My parents had pegboards with outlines of our toys in the correct spots in the garage...not sure if that would help the rest of your toys or if you want something as unattractive as pegboard in the play room. We also had large drawers in a cabinet that had our names on them. All our toys went in there at the end of the day so they weren't under everyone's feet. (they also did the same thing for cosmetics, and bathroom supplies as well as clothes and parts of closets)
This post makes my little OCD self so thrilled for you! I had a big toy chest that sat at the foot of my bed and doubled as a reading bench when I was a kid. The only real caveat I would have with that is try to find something with a relatively light weight lid or some type of hydraulicish closure to help prevent Maddy and #2 from squashing those little fingers...
Nice! I'm all about organization... I just can't always keep it that way. Way to train her early ;) I feel that organization could also be well accomplished with accoutrement(s) from IKEA... :)
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