Tomorrow marks my 27th week of pregnancy. Which means I am officially into my 3rd trimester. I can hardly believe it. Most people know that the common idea of pregnancy is 9 months, but of course doctors count them by weeks. 40 of them to be exact. Which if you are even remotely good at simple addition, subtraction and more specifically division you know is actually 10 months. (40 weeks / 4 weeks per month = 10 months!) Doctors can be so cruel. So I have 14 weeks remaining, or 3 months!
Why do I even mention this now? Because I am starting to FREAK OUT! Why am I freaking out?!?!
#1- I am about to have two kids and that is sort of frightening to me. Madeline and I have our routines and now we are going to have to change them to accommodate this new little guy (or gal). I know this is in no way the end of the world, but I am just starting to realize that life is going to be complicated for a while. Life got complicated when Madeline was born and I don't know that it has ever really recovered and I am afraid of what #2 will do to the delicate balance that is my juggling act at the moment.
#2- The room we are planning to use as the baby's room is fithy. There are soda stains on the walls, and dog hair stuck in the base boards. (fyi...We have never drank soda up stairs, nor do we own a dog.) Which also means it isn't painted and I have no idea what color to paint it this time!!! Blue? (but that is what the old nursery was painted and I wasn't a huge fan of the color) Green? (but the room right next door is green and so were 50 percent of the rooms at the old house b/c when we can't aggree on a color we always aggreed on green.) Yellow? (now that seems really predictable and the hall is painted yellow and isn't that over kill?) I think I need therapy. Color therapy.
#3- I havn't had time to worry about #3, so when am I going to have time to care for a newborn?!?! ARGH!!
Ok... I know I will be fine. I just need to take some deep breaths and call Aunt B to come choose a color for me. (Bridget, you want to choose a paint color for me... you are the best at those things!)
One day at a time!
You look so cute! Great photos!
As for the color...we painted Devon's room "practical beige." And while I got a lot of mocking for our choice I LOVE IT! It's beautiful, went really well with the awesome fabrics I picked out and we won't have to repaint the room as he gets older.
You know I love blue and there are so many different shades of blue to choose from.
But I also agree with Michelle on the beige. There are also many pretty shades of beige and the color can come from the fabrics of the bed sheets and also hang up frames that have mats of color around pictures.
You can be so creative with the room. And i know you are very creative. Just take some time and sit in the room and try to imagine what you would like to see in the room. The rest will come to you. Take a few deep breaths and relax.
As to balance: Life can upset it, but you will adjust. You are not running off the porch here, you will probably NOT skin your nose this time!
As for color, I have two words: Rolling Fog!}
Hey, I think we have a gallon or two of Rolling Fog in the basement! Shall we bring it over?
Your angst just proves you're human. Your willingness to ask for help proves you're smart. You are fabulous, Mutzie!
You look great!!!!
Oh crack me up!! You said "I am just starting to realize that life is going to be complicated".....hahahaha....and then there's the punchline..."for a while"'re killing me...hahahahaha....that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time....hahahahaha!
Hmmm...offhand I like the beige idea -- anything would go! I think a new balance will come, but transitions are so hard! Hang in there and you look wonderful!
my sides are hurting....i can't stop laughing.....hahahahahahaha!
Mo, You do look great!!! One of the best things with being tall. I can't wait to one day be pregnant because you give me hope that I will look great too, since we are the same height.
Love ya and miss ya,
Beige? Really? Beige? Ok, I'll consider it. And Bridget... Are you laughing b/c it is funny, or you don't want to help?
go here if you don't believe me.
But I love warm browns with a red undertone. Not so much a fan of the cool, green browns. But the right brown is toasty feeling, comforting and can be really beautiful.
Or look at this:;channel=EXPLORE;vgnextoid=6bd8ea6621ca5110VgnVCM1000008119fea9RCRD
I really like the red and blue toned neutrals.
Just something to think about!
I'm laughing because it's soooooo funny that you are beginning to realize that life is going to be complicated "for a while"...yeah, like 20+ years and then some...... hahahahahahaha...I've got tears in my eyes...hahahahaha.
P.S. I'm on the beige bandwagon!
What, no comment on Rolling Fog? No kidding, girl, we've got a gallon around here somewhere.... you know we do.
Maureen...have you noticed that the background in this comment section is beige? Is it a sign?
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