Back when I was a mother of one and a much more frequent blogger I used this space as a journal of our life. Our life as we know it. Right here. Right now. These days will fly by faster than I can remember them and I want to remember them. The good, the bad, the sick, the healthy, all of it.
I want to get back to that. I feel like I need to get back to that. I make no promises, other than the promise to my self to try to do a better job of recording our lives. Because some day I will want to remember this.
Even this,
We are all still sick. Monday will mark two full weeks of illness in our house and if the girls' colds last as long as mine and Kevin's we are in it for a while longer.
After my Tuesday Ten post Lydia's rash got worse and the next morning I took her into the doctor where they confirmed the rash was probably an allergic reaction the antibiotic she'd been taking since the previous Monday. She hadn't yet developed hives so the nurse practitioner suggested I continue giving her the medication.
I refused.
I am so glad that I did.
Later Wednesday and all day Thursday my baby was miserable because the "benign" rash turned into full out hives. What if I had continued the medicine? How much worse could it have gotten? Parenting is full of really hard choices and I am so very glad to have listened to my instincts and to have guidance from some really awesome friends (wink, wink) and an amazing husband to stand beside me.
As of yesterday I thought we were, again, on the mend. So, being awesome I sent the girlies to spend the night at my parents. Sorry Granny and Poppy. I hope you sleep better tonight! :)
When I collected them today, Lydia, who had been ok according to Granny and Poppy was a clingy, crying, miserable mess. See the above photo for proof. She stayed that way until bedtime.
Madeline, well it seems that this cold virus has finally caught up to my high spirited big girl. When I got to my parents Madeline was taking a nap. Yep, a nap. As in the first nap that girl has willingly taken since July 2009. And get this, she ASKED to go back to bed. HUGE RED FLAG that my home girl is S.I.C.K.
When we got home she had a low fever and spent most of the day sacked out or playing quietly. Totally, not herself. At bed time she had an even lower fever and was starting to get some of her normal spunk back, but she also didn't fight the bedtime routine at all (not normal) and fell asleep quickly.
So we will see how my squirrels are doing in the morning. Kevin is still hacking up a lung, but feels better. I am coughing but not with the intensity or frequency of my husband. I have my fingers crossed that if the girls really do get this funk that it is quick and less severe than Kevin and I had it.
Will you cross your finger's too?
I'd like to leave my house for something other than doctors visits, medicine and popsicles. Please?

All my fingers crossed and two toes on each foot. Although I can only cross them for about 30 seconds since I can't get anything done with everything crossed. Hopefully since I am doing a major cross, the time frame will be good enough. SO sorry you are all still sick. Enough already. Here's hoping this week is a week of health. Much love.
Don't kill me for saying this, but this will go down in my memory's history as "The Sleepover From Hell". Just before bed time, Madeline threw up all over me. She also threw up all over Lydia's blankie. Being a trooper, Lydia accepted a substitute "kiki", but then she woke every two hours on an odd hour schedule (9PM, 11 PM, 1AM, etc.) Madeline had a bad dream at 2AM. Lydia had enough with sleeping at 5AM, although Pop-pop coaxed a little more sleep out of her by holding her. It made me remember when I was a full time parent. And I don't regret a minute of it. :)
Glad you stuck to your guns!
Hey, just a thought...maybe if you change your header photo winter would leave us and spring would kick in...just sayin'!
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