Last Monday Lydia was seen by the doctor and started on a round of antibiotics for a sinus infection.
Tuesday I was ready to say we are all better. The sky was rosy. All was well.
Wednesday I ended the day with a sore throat but blamed it on the fact that I taught my first class since before Christmas and talked almost non-stop for four hours. I was wrong.
Thursday I feel pretty crappy. It was St. Patrick's day and I wanted to head to the parade but decided to go for a walk and then rest in the afternoon hoping my throat would feel better. Then when I picked Madeline up from school I noticed she had junk in her eye and it was red.
Back to the Dr for the second time that week to have her diagnosed with... pink eye. When I asked if this was the same eye problem Lydia had the Dr explained that it was, to which I told him that I was seriously upset that he wasn't clear about this earlier in the week because who knows who we may have exposed that too... ugh.
Have you ever tried to put eye drops in a 3 1/2 year old's eyes? My 3 1/2 year old makes noises that might lead you to believe she was being tortured. I guess you could argue that it was torture. I know she would.
Friday, I am still feeling cruddy, but I decide I don't feel bad enough to go to the doctor. I'll just ride it out. Famous last words. I end up at a Walgreen's Clinic Saturday morning because I feel like heck. My diagnosis, a virus that will run its course in 7-10 days.
I feel worse every hour for the next two days only made worse by a stomach bug that is seriously unpleasant. Oh, and Kevin starts with a sore throat on Saturday. Sunday night the girlies spent the night at my in-laws. I slept horribly and didn't even get out of bed until 10am. Madeline and Lydia came home happy and super tired. By bedtime Madeline had a little cough and Lydia was running a fever and had broken out in a rash and low and behold... her pink eye is back.
Do you know what is worse than giving eye drops to a 3 1/2 year old? Giving eye drops to a 1 1/2 year old.
Today, Madeline is doing fine. Lydia's fever is hanging tough but she seems mostly unaffected by it. I am feeling better, not awesome, but better. And Kevin, well he's in it for the long haul.
My words of wisdom for the week: don't visit without a face mask and hand sanitizer. Deep cleaning will commence as soon as possible.

can't believe you posted during all of that! You are a blogging champ--or at least a champ compared to your slacker friends. xoxo
Hope you all are feeling better.
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