Saturday, May 01, 2010


I am going to try to blog every day for a month.

I'm pretty sure it is going to suck.

I am equally as certain that I will fail.

I'm ok with both of those things.

To get us started, here is a photo of Lydia at the doctor for her 6 month check up.

She thinks this is a great idea.

Me, not so much.

Ps. The theme for this month is 'Looking Up.' I doubt I'll be on theme even once. Isn't that a lovely bit of irony to get us started.



Michelle said...

Going to need a little explanation on the title to this one. :)

mGk said...


Didn't mean to confuse!

Molly said...

Thanks for the clarification! I was worried that you joined Lydia in choosing to babble instead of using real words. :)