Our first stop was the sting rays.

They suggest you lay your hands flat in the water in order to get the sting rays to swim up to be 'petted' but Madeline spent most of the time with her hands just above the water. Eventually she got brave and put her hands in, only to be splashed by a passing ray. She thought that was pretty funny.
So I said we were there with friends, and oh boy were we! We met three families at the zoo (very impromptu). There were 12 of us. Four mothers. One 5 year old. Five 3 year olds. Two under 1.
Did you get that... ::FIVE:: 3 year olds!!! One of the mom's commented that we probably looked like a preschool. I'd say we looked more like a five ring circus!

Hanging with the hippos.
I promised Madeline a birthday train ride, so after the rest of the kiddos headed home for lunch Madeline, Lydia and I boarded the train.

Of course she wore her new '3' shirt.

Eventually we ate the dinner she chose. We had hot dogs, mac and cheese, pineapple and carrots. A very three year old meal if ever there was one.
Then cake.
And family presents.
And this face:
Was for this present:
My big girl got "her very own bike."
Fabulous! Wherever did you find such a wonderful photographer?? heh heh heh
Just a tip...when the training wheels come off, don't call on your dad to teach her to balance/ride. Sorry Gene...I had to bring it up!
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