Well I am back to discuss her obsession with this breakfast food.

See that smile? You might think she is smiling at me, her mother, who gave her life seven months ago today. But what you can't see is that I was holding a bag of the good stuff, aka. Cheerios.
And this video totally highlights her obsession and a little bit of early brand recognition.
Totally adorable. Totally obsessed.
If she sees Cheerios anywhere near her during meal time, she will not eat anything else. She just wants the round stuff. I know it is good. It is my favorite breakfast cereal, but I wouldn't forgo all other food.
Chocolate however, I'd forgo it all.
does she like the multi-grain cheerios...alan thinks they taste like donuts!
mmmmmmmmm..... cheerios.
I've seen her snarf them up firsthand. She can't seem to get enough!
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