I couldn't find these exact zinnia at our local garden center, but they inspired me to plant two different varieties in our garden this year. I think zinnias are lovely!
I love these wall butterflies! I want to whip up a few (dozen) and hang them in Madeline's bed room ASAP!
Fun Food Fridays? Yes, Please!
This post makes me want to head to the fabric store to purchase yards of satin to turn into the gorgeous bouquet.
And from the same blog as the flowers above I found this tutorial. I need these.
I believe this to be true with ever taste bud I have. Dr. Pepper is the key to world domination.
As soon as we have a storm door and I feel like it is safe to put wreaths on our front door again I am totally making one of these. Genius!
I am planning a rainbow birthday party for Madeline and this is on the top of my list of things to make!!!
Pinterest as also introduced me to a menagerie of sweets that I can not wait to try. Like this owl cup cake that is almost too cute to eat. And homemade Girl Scout Samoa Cookie bars? Oh Yeah. And who is going to make these for me? Anyone?
Ok, now I'm hungry.
So you want to know more about Pinterest? Check our their information page here. Right now they are still in the Beta phase so you have to request and invitation, but if you know someone who is a Pinterest user (like me!) you can ask them to invite you to join the pinning. Why do I love it so much? I read a million blogs with google reader and although you can star specific posts there is no way to organize them by subject. For someone as visual as I am Pinterest is a perfect way for me to organize all the cool stuff I have found on the web in a way my brain can process it! I LOVE IT!!! Will you?

1 comment:
I gotta say, I don't get the whole pinterest thing. I think having to click the links is annoying (b/c my computer is old and slow - and I might be too). I much prefer it when you post the pictures right there and add captions.
This is just one (wo)man's opinion.
But of course, I'm probably right.
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