1- foam valentine hearts with heart stickers
2- marble painting
3- Madeline's school valentines
4- roses for Madeline's hair (assembled at 6:15 AM because I woke up thinking about crafting and couldn't go back to sleep until those damn roses were made and OUT OF MY EVER LOVING CRAZY MIND!!!!)
Number of photos taken to get valentines for the girlies: 78
Number of photos used: 2

Number of items cooked, from scratch, in the last five days for Valentine's Day: 6
1- Cupid crunch
2- banana nutella crepes
3- heart shaped quesadillas
4- soft pretzel bites with sharp cheddar dipping sauce
5- bacon wrapped meatloaf and
6- creamy mashed potatoes
Number of those items cooked JUST TODAY: 5 (numbers 2-6)
Number of hugs and kisses and I love yous and Happy Valentines days exchanged by our family of four: too many to count :)
Although the crazy of Valentines Day totally sucked me in and spit me out I think I still win.
Proof that I reign supreme:
After lunch Madeline gave me a conversation heart that said 'real love'. And said "Mom, this is for you because I love you sooooo much!" Followed by a HUGE hug. Totally worth it.
Now I'm off to ice my back and have my valentine rub my feet.
Happy Valentines Day!

You frighten me.
I frighten myself.
So, on several blogs that I read, the topic of crafting has been in the forefront. I will admit succumbing to inadequacy fears and feeling quite guilty as I do not craft with Alexander. Apparently, I have been depriving my son of learning opportunities. Shame on me. Determined to change that, I decided that we would glue on conversation hearts in the form of a heart on to foil covered cardboard to give to Paul for his classroom. So be it. Over two hours later, we were finally done - only because I insisted we keep coming back to it. I learned this: my son DOES NOT CARE ABOUT CRAFTING. Guilt gone!!!!! We shall return to harvesting, being scary dragons, and racing cars. To top it off, Paul kept forgetting to take said project to school for several days. Now I have a few years before I feel guilty all over again with Caroline.
BUT - you are awesome with your crafti craftiness.
Also - recipe for the pretzels bites please!
Madeline is starting to look more and more like you! Adorable!
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