Although I haven't taken weekly photos like I know some people do I have taken significantly more photos this pregnancy over my last. I think I have three photos of my first pregnancy total. I have taken at least that many of this one and I still have 7 weeks to go.
It isn't just the photographic record that I feel I am lacking though. I didn't keep any real record of events during my first pregnancy. I know I first felt movement really early last time, like 16 weeks, but then didn't feel it again until 21 or 22 weeks. I also know I was nauseous for 5 or so months last time, and only about 4 months this time. Other than that I can't remember other stuff like when my lower extremities went from calves-ankles-feet to just calves-feet, when I could no longer even look at food without getting heartburn, or when my fingers turned to sausages and I had to leave my wedding ring at home. When did my walk become a waddle instead of my normal gate? When did it become impossible to tie my shoes or paint my toes? The list goes on...
I said I'd keep a better record this time. I haven't. Until now.
It isn't just the photographic record that I feel I am lacking though. I didn't keep any real record of events during my first pregnancy. I know I first felt movement really early last time, like 16 weeks, but then didn't feel it again until 21 or 22 weeks. I also know I was nauseous for 5 or so months last time, and only about 4 months this time. Other than that I can't remember other stuff like when my lower extremities went from calves-ankles-feet to just calves-feet, when I could no longer even look at food without getting heartburn, or when my fingers turned to sausages and I had to leave my wedding ring at home. When did my walk become a waddle instead of my normal gate? When did it become impossible to tie my shoes or paint my toes? The list goes on...
I said I'd keep a better record this time. I haven't. Until now.
So I can't really tell if I am wearing my wedding rings in this photo, but I don't think I am. If you look at my face you can tell I am a little puffy. I feel like I had a lot of swelling pretty early last time. I am happy to report I am still (knock on wood) not having any issues with water retention this time. My rings are snug but no more than normal in the summer and I am even happier to report I still have well defined ankles. I like my ankles and was VERY distraught when they when AWOL during my last pregnancy and was not really looking forward to a repeat disapearance.
As for heartburn and indigestion, I have no idea when that started last time. I sort of feel like I traded my anti-nausea suckers for Tums. This time I had a few months of reprieve, but I have been battling the acid reflux heartburn for at least four weeks now. I feel like last time I could take Tums and that would solve my issues for at least a few hours. This time I can take Tums every 20 minutes and it doesn't always work. Also, last time I could avoid certain foods and avoid some of the issues. This time, everything causes me issues. Well, everything but cottage cheese.
Which reminds me... I honestly can't get enough cottage cheese. I blogged about it the other day, but I have to explain how much I love that stuff right now. I have purchased hundreds of oz. of the stuff over the past month and a half AND I am the only one who is eating it! Kevin likes it, but I think I get to it before he can. Normally, if I buy cottage cheese we finish it just before it expires. I may have a bowl or two in a week. Now, I have a bowl (or two) a day. Today I've had three bowls. THREE! And no, they aren't huge, just respectable 1/2 cup servings, but still... that is a lot of cottage cheese. I have gone for the low fat, but I also admit that last week I bought a container of the large curd (not low fat) because it is my favorite and if Kev isn't eating it anyway, why not. I think after all this talk about it I might have to have another bowl.
Last week I was waddling all over the place. This week I am back to a more normal stance. Who knows why, but I am not complaining. I can still tie my shoes, but I'd rather not. I am not ready to give up my flippy floppies. (Even though I may not be on a boat. (I hate it when I use parenthesis within parenthesis BUT the link is the edited version, yet I wouldn't suggest playing it if there are small children around.))
So that about sums it up. Things are going a long very well. We have an ultrasound scheduled for a few weeks from now, so I'll have more to say then I am sure. Until then enjoy these photos Kevin took of me when he insinuated that he ate the last of the cottage cheese.
I was ravenous. Of course he didn't eat the last of it, he knows better than to stand between me and my dairy of choice!
Oh, one last thing... when trying to come up with this month's header I explained to Kevin that I wasn't feeling too clever or creative. He came up with the following suggestion:

Although I didn't go with it, I had to give my husband mad props (yes, I am almost 30 and white and I said mad props... deal...) for this idea. I find it beyond hilarious. I think that about explains my current mental state.
This was my favorite post of yours. But I have to admit that I hate you a little since you are 33 weeks and so tiny.
I've never had cottage cheese. I don't think I ever will.
Gina- I think I love you. No one has ever referred to me as tiny. (I know it is because I am 6 feet tall... but still.) I could kiss you! (even if you don't like cottage cheese!)
My only experience with cottage cheese was as a kid. It was served to me on top of a canned peach half which was sitting on a leaf of iceberg lettuce. To this day, I hate cottage cheese, canned peaches and iceberg lettuce! And don't get me started on Waldorf salad....mayonnaise on apples and pecans and celery...yuk!! Wow, I hadn't thought of either of those "salads" in years...I think I'm going to be sick..........
You are NOT waddling.
I so don't understand the cottage cheese thing. My mother ate that stuff when I was a kid, it looked icky, it tasted icky, it felt icky in your mouth. Where did you ever learn to love it? I know I didn't buy it while you were a kid...
Oh god, I just had a flashback to the cottage cheese/peach/lettuce salad. And now I feel sick! Thanks, B. ick.
I developed a taste for cottage cheese when I lived in Norway. Although theirs is much better than what we have here... but don't get me started about the quality if our dairy in the US.... Now I want Norwegian cottage cheese... Argh!
I think that I looked like you do now when I was about 20 weeks. Being tall certainly has its advantages. Regardless, I think you look absolutely lovely.
Love the new photos. You aren't ginormous...now swelling noted at all! And gross about the cottage cheese obsession.
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