One week late. I am trying to get myself caught up.
We watched the Superbowl at Bry and Beth's house! It was their first official party at the new house and we were so happy to be there celebrating with them!

My Cupcake-cake. Isn't it fantastical!
Please don't submit it to
Cake Wrecks.

Madeline had a wonderful time playing with her new friend Miles and Beth. They colored and played with puzzles and ran around crazy!

Kevin was totally ready for the 3D commercial break. Isn't he cute in those glasses? I think so.

Madeline was a trooper and showed us all her super hero impression.
I am so going to submit that to Cake Wrecks. Even for a CCC it's lame. Sorry, but someone's got to say it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for introducing Paul and I to the hilariousness that is the Cake Wreck blog. Paul laughed so hard at the Darth Vader baby shower cake, I was afraid that he would be permanently impaired. Thanks for the good evening... (our tv decided not to get CBS so we looked at the blog instead of watching the Grammys - we probably didn't miss out on much, did we?)
I think your cupcake cake is cute! Of couse I love anything cake.
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