Two weeks ago (because I am about that far behind on everything in my life including laundry and dishes (just kidding (sort of))) we hopped* in the car and headed north to Iowa.
It was a very eventful weekend. The weekend started with a 5 hour car ride with two small children. That is not fun. Period. I know there are a million websites that will tell you that traveling with kids is great if you have the right stuff to keep them entertained, but that is just a bunch of crap. You know what I need? A never ending supply of DVD's for my three year old and a intergalactic transporter a la 'beam me up Scotty" for my 10 month old. Just kidding of course. They don't let children that young transport alone.
So after a short nap for Lydia and about an hour of mild fussing by both the girls we stopped for lunch at a park. I was navigating and as we got off the highway the road I directed Kevin onto turned into a gravel road only 100 yards off the highway exit. He was more than skeptical.
But I didn't lead him astray and we found a park with picnic tables and a play ground for the girl to burn off some energy.
Eventually we got the girls to go back into the car. It was like we were torturing them or something. Hell in a Nissan. We are so flippin' mean.
Eventually we made it to Iowa to hang out with Quentin and his parents.
They didn't spend all weekend in a bucket.
Tomorrow's installment: How Aaron and Jenny got me to clean their entire bathroom, do two loads of laundry AND apologize for it! Stay tuned!
* and by hopped I mean we spent hours packing to leave the house for only three days and two nights.
I hear you! If they won't use the "beam me up Scotty" method for childbirth, we should at least get to use it to transport small children. (And possibly older children and teenagers... as I hear from my parents, sometimes that isn't much better. Sorry guys.)
I'm laughing and I already know the whole story!
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