Kev and I had a conversation yesterday about how it is hard to believe that we have a four week old daughter. On the one hand it seems like the last four weeks should be more like four months. We can't imagine our lives without Madeline. The lack of sleep, busy schedule and learning how to be parents for the first time makes four weeks drag out.
On the other hand the last four weeks seem to have flown by. The last four weeks seem more like four days. She is constantly changing and we are constantly on the move with her. Even if that is just moving from the bedroom to the changing table! Watching her gain weight, grow in length and seeing all her major changes makes time rush by.

So here is Madeline at four weeks old. She is exploring her world with her eyes, is holding her head up more and more and has even given both Mom and Dad what we consider very purposeful smiles! We have had an exhausting first four weeks and have learned so much about what it means to be parents and spouses. We only hope that we continue to grow as Madeline grows and be the best parents we can be. So far she is a very good teacher. Thanks Maddy.
Before you know it, she'll be crazy...ha!
But really, pretty much the cutest baby ever. Deinitely got the McGrath good looks...just like me.
deinitely = definitely
What a cute picture! I'm trying to convince Aaron that we should buy the jungle theme stuff for our Baby X. Maddy looks adorable in it!
Also, thank you so much for the pregnancy book. I agree that it is better than What to Expect When You're Expecting. Thanks!
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