My Maddy spent most of the hour and a half they visited hugging Maddie. A lot. It got so bad that we had to physically remove Maddy from Maddie after a particularly long and firm hugging session. With Lydia only being a few weeks old I think it had everything to do with Madeline trying to get attention from her friend AND from me.
It is hard to see in this photo but Cullen is HUGE in comparison to Lydia. I guess that is the difference between 4 weeks and 4 months! He was rolling all over like a champ and just wanted to love on Lydia. Totally adorable!
And I have no idea why that second photo is turned sideways. Just tilt your head to the right. They are still aweful cute, even with a neck ache.
Come back soon friends! That is if Maddy hasn't scared you away with her hugs.
If picture #1 is any indication, it looks to me that Maddie is hugging back!
I want a hug!
In fact, I NEED a hug.
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