I am off to bed now but I wanted to leave you with photos from the last few days, including Halloween!
And finally, to assure she hates me in her teen years:
Madeline, "nursing" her baby Maggie. Madeline has taken a keen interest in how I feed Lydia. I nursed Madeline for a year and one day exactly, and I know she has no memory of that. She however is very interested in what exactly is going on when I nurse Lydia and has even asked if she can nurse Lydia. When I explained that you have to have milk in your chest she simply replied, "I don't have milk in my chest, but I have milk in my tummy!" Totally cracks me up.
Madeline is turning two and a half on Wednesday. I hope to do an update posting on or near that day. Let's see how that works out for me! Oh, and should update that masthead... priorities, priorities!
Happy two week birthday Lydia. We are so happy to have you as our fourth team mate!
Remember, if Madeline blames you for that breastfeeding photo, you can turn it around and blame me...I was there when this feeding was taking place and said "where's the camera?" So see, you can totally tell her it's Aunt B's fault!
She's definitely going to owe you in her teen years! Can't believe it's been 2 weeks already!
Glen did that with the doll. He called it "boy milk." Cute, cute kiddos. Hang in there on these tired nights and tired days!
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