March 4
I realized just today that I missed an update when Madeline was 9 months old. I must be slipping. There goes the blogging mother of the year award!
Today Madeline is 10 months old. I can hardly believe she is only two months away from her first birthday! (I can see the party streamers already!) Maddy has two bottom teeth and we are expecting the top ones any day now. Because of her teeth and her huge appetite she is eating all sorts of fruits and veggies these days. Her favorites are sweet potatoes by far, but she does like peas, carrots, cucumber, peaches, pears, pineapple and yogurt of many flavors!
Maddy is cruising all over the house. Although she loves to walk with support from Mom or Dad her main form of transportation is still crawling. She finds it much more efficient for the time being. And let us tell you, she is lightening fast especially when going for the cat food or the bathroom!
Language is a skill that takes a lot of time to master. Some adults I have met still haven't gotten the hang of it. Madeline on the other hand is babbling right along. She now says, Dada (which she has for quite a while now), kit kat, pop-mama (when she wants us both I guess), Hi and Momma. Although she really only started saying Momma on purpose two days ago.
We are just enjoying our baby girl. She is so much fun and such a happy little soul. I am working very hard to let some of that rub off on me. (Especially now that I had a taste of spring this weekend and now I have been forced back into a winter wonderland. Ba-humbug!)
Enjoy these photos from the past few days!

March 4- Sunday it was 70 degrees and sunny.
Kevin wore shorts, and I wore a t-shirt.
Today, we have 6 1/2 inches of snow.

March 4- Momma, can we go out and play?

March 4- Our beautiful girl watching the snow flakes fall.

How lucky are you to have a day off school on your birthday?!?!

March 3- Madeline is blowing you birthday raspberries!