-Love Maddy
Friday, June 29, 2007
and their Thatched Roof Cottages!
Uncle Elliot and Aunt Kathy are out of town this weekend. I heard Mom and Dad say that they are in Colorado and I think that is really far away. What do I know. The farthest I have been from home is Fenton. I miss them already. This BURNiNATING Dagron is for you Uncle Elliot!
-Love Maddy
-Love Maddy
Party with 4/9ths of the Norwegians!
Alex, Jody, Tessa and Kaia came to visit from Oslo, Norway this week. Maddy got to meet her extended family and Kaia got to meet a real live Baby. Tessa was so sweet with Maddy and had a ball playing with Cousin Mia too!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
By popular demand...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Our trend setter
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Day late, dollar short

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! I was just a twinkle in your eye when this photo was taken two years ago. Thanks for getting married so that I could be born into this world.
Ps. Dad, Mom says to tell you that she loves you and that she is amazed at the husband and father you have become. I think she is pretty proud of you from the sound of it.
Love, Maddy
Monday, June 18, 2007
Happy Father's Day!
Happy first Father's Day! (I know I am a little late, but we were busy celebrating with Grandpa Gene and Grandpa Bruce yesterday.)
You are the best dad I could ask for. I love it when we cuddle on the couch and watch the Cardinals. I only wish they had a more solid pitching staff and that Yadi and Eck were off the DL.
I also love it when you get up in the middle of the night with me. I know you need your sleep so I will try to be better about that. But until then I want to thank you for all the midnight, two am, and four am... diaper changes. (Mommy really appreciates them too!)
I hope you had a good first father's day. I had a great day with you and I can't wait until next year, when I will be awake for more of it!
Love your little girl,
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Ain't I cute!
It is hard to believe that it has been six weeks since our little girl joined our family! She can hardly believe it either!
She has gone from a sleepy little newborn to a fully animated little baby girl in the last two weeks or so. She actually rolled over from her tummy to her back about a week and a half ago! I could hardly believe it and we have yet to see a repeat performance... but we will be patient! She is cooing more than she is crying and her smiles are much more purposeful then they were before. She watches people as they walk away from her and she stares at her play gym toys or the mobile on her swing. She is amazing.
I am having a hard time thinking that I have to go back to work in just two weeks. I don't want to leave my little girl just as she is coming into her own and changing so much everyday. What if I leave her with my mother-in-law and when I pick her up she is a toddler already? Ok, I must be realistic, but I do worry that time will continue to fly by and I will miss out on so much of her very young life.
Ask any mother. Ask my mother. I am sure she will tell you that although I was born 27 years ago it seems like just yesterday that I was cooing and rolling over for the first time. I know my mom went back to work too...as many mothers do after their babies are born. But I am sure they struggle with it.
I am just getting to know this little girl. How can I leave her for 9+ hours a day?
Norway has it right: Moms get a full year off and dads get up to two months. FMLA sucks.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
So nine + months in the making and here we are. A family. Can you believe it? I can't some days. It seems like just yesterday that Kev and I were marching to Blood Sweat and Tears and hanging out at football games.
Who would have thought over 10 years ago that we would be the family you see above? Life is pretty amazing.
And look at our little girl... isn't she just the cutest! She really is "the star" as Grandpa Bruce named her this weekend. She is the center of attention and we couldn't be happier!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Our four week old
Kev and I had a conversation yesterday about how it is hard to believe that we have a four week old daughter. On the one hand it seems like the last four weeks should be more like four months. We can't imagine our lives without Madeline. The lack of sleep, busy schedule and learning how to be parents for the first time makes four weeks drag out.
On the other hand the last four weeks seem to have flown by. The last four weeks seem more like four days. She is constantly changing and we are constantly on the move with her. Even if that is just moving from the bedroom to the changing table! Watching her gain weight, grow in length and seeing all her major changes makes time rush by.
So here is Madeline at four weeks old. She is exploring her world with her eyes, is holding her head up more and more and has even given both Mom and Dad what we consider very purposeful smiles! We have had an exhausting first four weeks and have learned so much about what it means to be parents and spouses. We only hope that we continue to grow as Madeline grows and be the best parents we can be. So far she is a very good teacher. Thanks Maddy.
On the other hand the last four weeks seem to have flown by. The last four weeks seem more like four days. She is constantly changing and we are constantly on the move with her. Even if that is just moving from the bedroom to the changing table! Watching her gain weight, grow in length and seeing all her major changes makes time rush by.
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