Manny came into our lives way back in 2002. Kevin has a thing for Manatees and I picked this stuffy up on a trip I took to Florida while we were still dating.

Lydia has taken a liking to Manny as we now call him.

Ok, it is more like a loving. He is her bedtime lovey and she loves him dearly. Could I have used the word love any more times? I guess I love that lovely word. (I make myself sick.)
Today I had a little photo shoot with Lydia and Manny.

I imagine this is the smile she will give me when she is 12 and no longer wants to smile for her momma. That might be wishful thinking, because this is still awful cute.
But not as cute as this:

Man is this little girl a happy thing. I love how she smiles with every inch or her face!
what a happy girl...Can't wait to meet her in a few months! Tell Madeline thank you for the picture and we wish she could come to Hawaii too!
what a happy girl...Can't wait to meet her in a few months! Tell Madeline thank you for the picture and we wish she could come to Hawaii too!
I love that smile, too! She is a special little girl. I can't wait till she can talk & tell me what she thinks of everything!
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