Sunday, November 05, 2006
In case you didn't hear because you have been to busy being a blog critic...the cardinals won the world series!!!!
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Got Junk??

Come on by!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Our friend Scott, shooting himself in Iraq

Ok, maybe not really shooting himself... but we think this photo is hilarious. I'm just glad he is on the ground and not up in the air. (We love Scott, but wouldn't put it past him!)
This week Scott wrote into our community newspaper. It's hard to talk about his letter with people, because this war is such an emotional and strongly political issue. I guess what we have a hard time explaining to people is that this war isn't about politics for us anymore. It is about our best friend. We don't want to fight about who is right and what has been done wrong. We just want to support our friend. That letter wasn't about PR, or bolstering of the war for us. It was just another indication (like the photos, emails and random satelite phone calls) that our friend is still ok.
No, we don't support this war. But we do keep all of the soldiers, thier families and friends in our thoughts. Because we are now part of this, whether we like it or not.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Dramatic Life Update # 1

We haven't posted in a while. Not that there isn't a ton going on in our lives, but that we haven't really found the time.
So today, before any more time as passed, before another moment flies by, or another grain of sand falls I will update all of our 4 readers who want to know what is going on.
I am still working for the Girl Scouts... and I think I like it. Kev is still at the store... and he sometimes likes it. Olive decided to become anorexic about a month ago, dropped 4 pounds and was told by the vet that if she didn't start eating she wouldn't last much longer. Needless to say we began force feeding her three times a day and she is doing much better. This week she is back up 4 pounds and is eating mostly on her own. What is with that cat? Talk about high maintenance.
Other than that, we are talking about ripping out the bathroom floor some time in the next few months. Be sure that there will be photos.
Other than that...I have cute cousin's with mustaches. What could be better?
*p.s. Happy one year aniversary Blog! I promise to try to spend more time updating you this year!*
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thinking of You

Our dear friend Scott shipped out to somewhere in Iraq yesterday. Although I am not fond of the military, nor am I fond of this war, I am very fond of Scott. I wish him safe travels and an uneventful year of duty in Iraq. As a helicopter pilot (he flies the Chinook, or the double propellered cargo helicopter) I am sure he will see plenty of action over the next year. I ask that you keep him in your thoughts and send him positive energy to sustain him durring the next year. We love you Scott.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
A proper young lady
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Going back to my roots!

No I am not talking about my hair color. It is official, I am employed. If you can't guess from the photo, I am a Girl Scout again! (Either that or I am an animal trainer, right?)
I am a program manager for the Girl Scouts. What does that mean? I have been working there for just over 3 weeks and I am not really clear on that yet. I know that I am responsible for the planning of council programing for Daisy, Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts. (Girls ages 5-12) But there is so much to learn and I have been told the curve is a long one. I will keep ya'll updated. Hopefully a little more frequently than I have been!
p.s. Can you believe that this is one of the only photos of me in my Girl Scout uniform? There are about 80 pictures of Elliot in his Cub Scout uniform and even some of my dad in his leader uniform, but me... I guess I don't merit a photograph in my uni unless there is a cat to make it interesting. (That is Barney by the way, my family's first cat.)
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
This Post is 100% Vomit Free!

So it has been a while since I posted. I was trying to think of what to post and since I am still unemployed I couldn't think of a darn thing exciting going on. Then I remembered that last week we went to the first show of the Dave Mathews Band's summer tour in St. Louis! Since there was a lot of drama surrounding this one night event I thought it was blog worthy.
Kev and I are avid DMB fans. We have been to every concert in St. Louis and one in Wisconsin in the last 4 years. After last year's show which was disgusting in many, many different ways,(I would tell but I promised this blog post would be vomit free...) we decided to fork over the money for actual seats. We had hopes of leaving all of the disgustingness behind us literally, in the lawn seats. Now don't get me wrong. Not everyone on the lawn is drunk, but after last year I didn't want to take any chances.
To make a long story short after ordering seats online, getting the wrong seats and threatening to sue TicketMaster (I hate TicketMaster) we got our money back and bought tickets on eBay (I love eBay). We had a wonderful time at the concert. The band played a lot of older songs and some that they haven't played live in years. (Like Proudest Monkey and JTR)
So until I get a job, or I do something more exciting than clean out the shoes in my closet this post will have to do. And as promised, no vomit.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Graduation Day!!!

So today was the day. After two long years in Grad school I am officially a Master of Arts-Communication. Even six months ago I never thought this day would come. But here I am, in full academic dress receiving an "almost" diploma. (I get to pick the real one up on Monday.)
I want to thank my family and friends for all of the help and support they have given me in the last two years. I couldn't have done it without you.
I want to give a special thanks to Kevin too. Thank you for holding my hand through this process and never giving up on me even when I was ready to throw in the towel. I really couldn't have done this without you. I love you. -mmg
Me, Janine and Colene
Elliot, Dad, Me and Mom

Dr. Rob Anderson and I
Dr. John Pauly and I
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Not just snoopy...
I took a five hour exam.
I successfuly defended that exam.
I finished a 39 page research paper.
I wrote 15 pages for my last take home final.
I turned in student grades.
Welcome back relaxation.
Welcome back reading for pleasure.
Welcome back uncluttered clean house.
Welcome back social life.
Welcome back.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Just a little bedtime snack... enjoy!
(Buddy, you know how to embed? I couldn't figure it out to save a cookie.)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wishing myself well

Day number three of being a miserable sicky. When I woke up this morning and my incapacitating sore throat was gone I could have jumped for joy (no more liquid diet!) but it has been replaced with a constantly runny nose, an obnoxious cough and of course a splitting headache. Let's just say, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Stupid viral infections! -mmg
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Just another resume booster
Saturday, April 08, 2006
The "New" Busch
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Finally Famous after all these years

It is official... I am a winner! And I have the second place win in a photo contest to prove it! Ok, so I didn't win first place, (and I still don't know who the actual winner was) BUT I will be featured in the Worlds Fair Pavillion in Forest Park during the Humane Society's Bark in the Park event. I might even get some press in the Saturday column "The Tail End." (Which I might add is not most people's favorite end of any animal... ewwww.)
We will keep you posted as I build my resume and win the hearts of thousands.
Love, Olive
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Feeling better... almost
My exam went well... I think. I will get the results back after next Monday so we will see if my overall impression (that I did as well as I could under the circumstances with the information that I had) is the same as my three committee members. (I have a feeling it won't be.) I will keep y'all posted on my slow crawl towards commencement. Only one oral defense, two 20pg research papers, a final exam and two public speaking classes to wrap up left.
Ok, I am now officially stressed out.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Got stress?

Friday, March 24, 2006
Olive hits the big time!

Yes, that's right! Olive has gone metro! She is one of ten finalists for the fabulous feline photo contest for the Human Society of Missouri. So, log on and vote for our fantastic furry friend. She really is the cutest of them all, and most definatly has the most personality! Click here to VOTE NOW!
Friday, March 17, 2006
Kiss me I'm mostly Irish!

Friday, March 10, 2006
Feeling my way through the dark...

We were out late last night at the KT Tunstall show in STL and I want to share my love of this Scottish songstress with everyone, so that... 1) you all buy her album, 2)so she makes it big in the US, 3) and comes back to tour again next year, 4) and doesn't turn into another fleeting musical fad that is forgotten once the next big thing comes along. SO go to KT's website and buy her CD, OR go to itunes and download the album, which comes with the video of her performance on the Today show. Whatever you do, help me help you keep this amazing artist comming back stateside!!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
What's with you people?!?!?
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Scott is being shipped to Hawaii....and all I got was this lousy blog post
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The most beautiful one-year-and-two-day old Mia in the world!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Could I be any lazier?

No, I don't think so. I haven't posted in way to long and it has very little to do with my level of activity. For the most part I have been very busy doing NOTHING for the past three weeks. (Thank goodness for our higher education system AND month long holiday breaks!) Now that I am back in school and actually have tons of stuff to do, what have I been doing... today I baked oatmeal cookies and watched some MTV. It's been a good day!
*Note: This is not my cat, but how hilarious is this picture!!