Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Lydia!

Today my baby turns two.  Two.  Yep.  Two.

I love this photo.  She is my funny guy, my face mugger and my little trouble maker.  You can see all of that in this one photo.  I tried at least three different times during the day to get a photo of her.  Can you believe that THIS is the best I could get from her.  You ask her to smile, she frowns.  You ask her to stand still, she runs away.  You ask her to frown and run away, she does.  She spunky and lovely.  Cuddly and vicious.  Hot and cold.  I love every inch of her. 

Today wasn't a typical birthday celebration for us. Madeline is sick and has been home from school for the last two days.  (And will be home at least one more day.)  So we stuck around the house and tried to make the day as much about Lydia as we could.  It is freezing and raining outside anyway so why leave?!?   I am really just saying that to make myself feel better.  I like to make a big deal out of birthdays.  I had plans to spend a fun morning with her while Madeline was as school and then a yummy lunch, naps and a party for cake tonight with her grandparents, aunts and uncles and her cousins.

 Instead she got a full day of play with her sister.  (Who, although feeling crumby, did an amazing job of playing with her sister and acknowledging her sister's birthday.  This is NO EASY TASK for a 4 1/2 year old.)  A yummy lunch and cake with just her grandparents.  All that to say she was none the wiser.  I am more disappointed that she was!

I always forget how resilient kids are because I am not.

I have more to share from today but for now I leave you with a photo I took a few days ago.

If that photo* doesn't sum up Lydia I don't know that any photo ever will.

I love that girl.

PS.  All the photos in this post were taken with this:

My new birthday present from Kev and the girls. Although I still love my DSLR I am excited to play with this little gal and the convenience of just slipping it in my pocket is going to be awesome. Maybe this means more blogging?  Who knows! 


 *Why yes, she IS licking the table.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Very impressed with Madeline! That IS hard for anyone, let alone a 4 1/2 yo! Love the shirts. Very much. What kind of cake did you make? Have fun with your new camera! And, hey the table LOOKS clean at least!