1. What is your Name? Madeline Lastname
2. What is your favorite color? Purple
3. What is your favorite book? Curious George Goes to the Hospital
4. What is your favorite movie? Harold and the Purple Crayon (Which was her answer last year and probably haven't watched it since about this time last year. We don't watch many movies and I guess it shows.)
5. What is your favorite food? Shrimp and Bratwurst
6. What is your favorite TV show? Fresh Beat Band, but also Olivia and Wonder Pets
7. What is your favorite song? ABCD...
8. What will you do when you grow up? A zoo keeper, and when I am not at work I'll be an artist.
9. What is your least favorite food? brussel sprouts
10. Now that you are 3 what do you think you'll do? (what is your goal) Bake!
11. What is your favorite thing to do with mom? Making projects and baking
12. What is your favorite thing to do with dad? Playing Mario Kart
13. What is your favorite store? The one with the little carts (Trader Joes)
14. Who are your best friends? Sara* but not Stanley* (those are two kiddos in her preschool class)
15. What does Mommy say? No. (hmmm...)
16. What does Daddy say? No and Yes.
17. Where is your favorite place to go? The Magic House
18. What is your favorite restaurant? Bread Company
19. What makes you laugh? Jokes
20. What is your nickname? Maddy
21. What is your favorite toy? The Caterpillar that sings. (which I think is her favorite because it is her sisters favorite right now...)
22. What is your favorite thing to do with your sister? Play with the Elmo toy.
23. What makes you sad? Pulling and pushing.
24. What is your favorite thing to drink? Lemonade
25. What is your favorite thing about school? singing with Mrs. A
*Names have been changed to protect the innocent!