Grandma Marybeth turned 80 years old today! In celebration the family gathered at the Sappington Barn for dinner. It was wonderful to see the whole family together (all 45 of us). To think, without my grandmother none of us would be here. I am grateful for all she has done in her life, for her family and for herself. Here's to many more birthday parties G-ma! It is all about YOU!

G-ma Marybeth, Molly and Madeline

The Siblings
Pat, Kate, Bridget, Molly, Mom-Marybeth, Sheila, Dan, Nora, Denis

The Grandchildren
Maureen, Mia, Alan, Erika, Connor, Maggie, Mazlin, Elliot, Adeline, Brian, Colleen, Aedan, Michael and Ryan