So it has been a while since I posted. I was trying to think of what to post and since I am still unemployed I couldn't think of a darn thing exciting going on. Then I remembered that last week we went to the first show of the Dave Mathews Band's summer tour in St. Louis! Since there was a lot of drama surrounding this one night event I thought it was blog worthy.
Kev and I are avid DMB fans. We have been to every concert in St. Louis and one in Wisconsin in the last 4 years. After last year's show which was disgusting in many, many different ways,(I would tell but I promised this blog post would be vomit free...) we decided to fork over the money for actual seats. We had hopes of leaving all of the disgustingness behind us literally, in the lawn seats. Now don't get me wrong. Not everyone on the lawn is drunk, but after last year I didn't want to take any chances.
To make a long story short after ordering seats online, getting the wrong seats and threatening to sue TicketMaster (I hate TicketMaster) we got our money back and bought tickets on eBay (I love eBay). We had a wonderful time at the concert. The band played a lot of older songs and some that they haven't played live in years. (Like Proudest Monkey and JTR)
So until I get a job, or I do something more exciting than clean out the shoes in my closet this post will have to do. And as promised, no vomit.