Saturday, August 09, 2008

Happy Birthday Granny!

July 28

I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing day. (Even if I did stick you with your grandbaby for a few hours!)

I know it is a little late in the day but we have been busy... more on that tomorrow.

We love you!

Maureen, Kevin and Madeline

I have more photos from July 28th that I don't think I ever shared and they are funny so I am usurping this birthday post to blog about my daughter... It's my blog right.

Madeline, playing an outdoor marimba with Granny.

We forgot our swimming suit...

But she just wanted to head to the swings anyway.

We let Poppy chase her down.


1 comment:

Mystic Thistle said...

I love the diaper picture. She is like one of those victorian babies on vintage illustrations with the roundness, rosy cheeks, blonde curls. very cute.