Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nope, not us.

Madeline and I were both ridiculously crabby today. (Just ask Kevin.) Maybe it's the weather. I miss the sunshine and it has only been two days without it... argh. I am declaring tomorrow a better day.

We are less than one week away from Madeline's second birthday. I can't believe it. Not one little bit. We have a two year old? Nope, not us. We JUST came home from the hospital with a teeny little thing right? We don't have a screaming, tantrum throwing, walking, talking, two year old. Nope, not us.



Molly said...

No... you don't have a screaming, tantrum throwing, walking, talking, two year old. Not all the time, anyway. Sometimes you get the funny two year old. Sometimes you get the lovey, cuddly girl. Sometimes you get the excited girl ("Come on Come ON!!"). Sometimes, you get the little girl who puts herself in Time Out (thank you Olivia book) for no real reason at all. I mean, come on, how cute is that???

bridget said...

and if you blink, you'll find you have a teenager...yikes!!!!!